Keep It Simple
Life is already too complicated, don't make it worse. Don't worry about what wine to have with what meat, just enjoy the wine and enjoy the food. If the wine tastes good to you, it's good wine so who cares what your waiter thinks. You already know, instinctively, if something is high quality. Rely on your own taste to answer the simple question, "Do I like this or not?"".
Keep It Small
We believe strongly that the small production winery should be supported at all costs. The small winery makes wine for the love of the process and the amazement in the final product. The best winemakers in the world still reside in France, still manage plots of land smaller than many backyards in the US and still trudge around muddy fields day after day in an effort to create and sell a product that might cover production costs. These farmers and winemakers don't drive Lamborghini's, don't own planes, and they will never be on the cover of Forbes Magazine.
The wines produced by these humble people are an expression of pure love, a love of the climate, a love of the land, and a love of the fruit. Joy and fascination at drinking the final product is the fuel that keeps these artists creating wine. Tasting the air, the dirt and the flower that happened to be growing on a hill next door is always a surprise. It is this commitment and love of wine that we support.
Keep It Fresh
Our kitchen is tiny. Our kitchen is ridiculously tiny. Our executive chef, Tim, hates our kitchen. But, what our tiny kitchen with no extra storage does, is insure that everything you eat is fresh. Our lettuce is crisp, our fruit is sweet and our food is unmatched. Unfortunately, most food does not get better with age so why do most restaurants store their food longer than they store their wine?
Hmm. Good question.
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